Tools and Resources
A good resource or tool can go a long way. Here's a list of helpful templates, articles, checklists and more that are sure to be a great addition to your toolbox.
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Leadership and Management
Sample Professional Development Plans:
Coaching and Philanthropy Project - The Coaching and Philanthropy Project was created to assess and advance coaching as a strategy for building effective nonprofit organizations. The project site includes action guides for and about coaching for funders, nonprofits, and coaches and a comprehensive online toolkit that includes FAQs, tools, case studies, and reports.
Finance and Strategy
- Budgeting Resources
- Guide and Template for Fiscal Policies and Procedures
- Internal Controls Checklist
Executive Transitions
- Revisiting Executive Transition: Who Leads and How?
- Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits - A monograph authored by former CompassPoint staff member Tim Wolfred and addressing three forms of succession planning. Succession planning tools created by CompassPoint consultants and referenced in the monograph follow below.
- A sample template to provide guidance on writing an Emergency Succession Plan.
- A self-reflection tool for executives who are questioning whether or not it's time to leave their positions.
- The Executive Director Legacy Statement—a tool with which an executive can clarify what he or she wants to accomplish before they exit their job.
- A succession Readiness Checklist that can serve as the basis for the Sustainability Audit.
- A sample staff survey for input on capacity building and leadership needs (for conducting the recommended Sustainability Audit)
- A sample board self-assessment survey for planning board development activities (as part of the Sustainability Audit)
- A list of stakeholder interview questions for gathering input from funders and other external supporters and colleagues (for conducting the recommended Sustainability Audit)
- A checklist of activities for planning and mining the learnings of an executive during a sabbatical a way of testing the bench strength of your organization.
Boards and Governance
- Board Café Archives - Board Café is a column for and about nonprofit boards that was a standalone publication of CompassPoint's from 1997 to mid-2008, You can access past issues from this period in the Board Café Archives.
- Governance Documents Templates

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